Everything you want to know about twin flames

My name is Petra, I'm 44 years old and I live in the Netherlands. When I started writing I wanted to remain anonymous as much as possible. I didn't feel the need to come out on a personal level, but I did feel the need to share what I know about twin flames. However, in the process of writing, making a website, sharing information, I felt that people wanted to know more about me, they want to feel connected to the writer. So I decided to show myself a little bit more. I have written a personal post about myself (the translation in english will follow in a time) and my picture is on this page now :-)
There is a lot of ambiguity AND incorrect information on this subject. I do not pretend to have all the wisdom, but I did a lot of research and came to the core of it. I understand the process more than sufficiently to be able to give guidance to others who are still in the initial phase. And the information I will give you on this website will be completely different from most of the advice you read about this on the internet.
I met my twin flame in 2020. It was initially a one-off meeting, but what happened to me after that meeting was all so strange that it completely confused me. Common sense has little to contribute in this situation. After reading the information you will also understand exactly why common sense has no role in this encounter.
I searched almost a year on the internet for information. The information I found was confusing, with often vague language and certainly not unambiguous. Surely there had to be a "logical" explanation somewhere that resonated with my gut feeling. Finally I found it and I knew right away that this was what is going on between twin flames. Because it's difficult to find the core information, I thought it would be helpful to write some posts about this subject. These were the things I wanted to know when I started my search.
So keep reading...